Clear Aligners
Dramatically straighten your teeth with clear aligner technology.
Clear aligners use a series of clear plastic trays worn for two weeks each to achieve the smile you've always wanted.
Get the Smile You've Always Wanted!
Clear aligners are great for an adult lifestlye. They are hard to see at conversation distance and you can take them out to eat and clean.

Michael W
Michael had 26 sets of trays or about a year of treatment time to correct his displaced front teeth. they look great Michael! Case performed and documented by Dr Mark Morris.
Andrew J
Andrew had six months of clear aligners followed by upper and lower veneers to correct his canted smile. Looks like Tom Cruise now!

Free Consultation
Come in for a free consultation to see if clear aligners are right for you. We offer financing to help you get the smile you deserve. We can get you started the same day!